
Corporate Governance

Yamas Al-Arbia Commitment to Responsible Governance


Yamas El Arabia is committed to responsible governance practices that uphold the highest standards of ethics, transparency, and accountability. Our commitment to responsible governance is evident in our adherence to all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. We prioritize integrity in all our business dealings, ensuring that our decisions are guided by ethical considerations and respect for stakeholders' interests. Additionally, we maintain transparent communication with our stakeholders, providing them with accurate and timely information about our operations and performance. By fostering a culture of responsible governance, we aim to build trust with our stakeholders and contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of our business.


Our Framework for Corporate Governance

The framework for corporate governance at Yamas El Arabia encompasses several key principles and practices. We maintain a clear governance structure that defines the roles and responsibilities of our board of directors, management, , ensuring accountability and transparency. Upholding ethical standards and values is paramount, guiding our decision-making processes and behavior. Compliance with laws, regulations, and corporate policies is rigorously maintained, with regular reviews to address changes in the legal or regulatory environment. A comprehensive risk management framework identifies, assesses, and manages risks, integrating risk management into our strategic planning and decision-making. Transparency is maintained through timely and accurate financial reporting . We engage with stakeholders to understand their needs and concerns, striving to create value for all. Our board of directors is diverse, independent, and effective, with processes in place for board evaluation and development. Corporate social responsibility is integrated into our operations, considering the social, environmental, and economic impact of our activities. We continuously review and update our governance framework to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with best practices, incorporating feedback and lessons learned.
